Le topo d'escalade en grande voie de Bavella en Corse. Il présente une sélection de 150 voies.

As the years have passed, Bavella has become a rite-of-passage for multi-pitch climbers. Amongst the hundreds of routes that have been climbed on these needles, covered in their impenetrable maquis, we have chosen 150, of all grades and in all styles ranging from fully bolted to the purest trad climbs. This is the nicest way to visit this exceptional massif.

In this book, you will of course find the unmissable routes, the classics, and also new interesting routes and rediscovered gems. In addition, you will find many extra anecdotes, portraits of characters in the climbing scene, historical  information, etc., that transform this book into something more than just a guidebook.

For each of the route, we give a detailed description of the approach, the equipment required, and the route itself, in particular for trad routes. The larger format leaves more room for photos to give you a taste of your next vertical adventure.

Lastly, a specially-developed app gives you access to the digital guidebook and its updates in real time.

Bavella Corsica :
1st edition 2020
ISBN 978-2-9571-1800-7
Bound 17 X 24 cm
280 pages all in colour
Bilingual French / English

The hard copy guidebook and the digital version: 40,00€ (postage paid)

The digital guidebook : 35,00€ (-discount)