Le topo d'escalade en grand voie en Corse, hors massif de Bavella. Voies équipées ou en terrain d'aventure.

Grandes voies de Corse – Multi-pitch climbing in Corsica

Corsica is a lively and increasingly popular climbing terrain, where everyone, no matter their level, their ambitions and their desires can sate their passion in exceptional surroundings.
Amongst the hundreds of rocky multi-pitch routes on the island’s rock faces that are known and recorded, we have selected 110 routes of all levels and with all styles of equipment, to visit Corsica from its summits (outside the bavella massif).
Obviously, you will find the essentials, classic routes but also new interesting routes and rediscoveries.
Authors of the Falaises de Corse and Bavella Corsica guidebooks, we have taken the same care over this new guidebook.
Thus, for each of the routes, we present a detailed approach, the required gear and a precise description, particularly for trad routes. We have also left a large proportion of space for photos to give you a taste of what is to come in your next vertical escapades.
Lastly, a specially-developed app gives you access to the digital guidebook and its updates in real time.

Lastly, how can we conclude without thanking the climbers who, from George I. Finch to Jeff Andreucci, were the very source of the raw material for this guidebook. They created these itineraries, whether short or long, difficult or not, bolted or trad, thereby providing the options for each one of us to find something special. Thank you to these discoverers.

Grandes voies de Corse :
3rd edition 2021
ISBN 978-2-9571-1801-4
Bound 15 X 21 cm
312 pages all in colour
Bilingual French / English

The hard copy guidebook and the digital version: 35,00€ (postage paid)

The digital guidebook : 30,00 € (– discount)